The writer, Kenneth Rudeen, likes the new bigger VW quite a lot, going so far as to describe it as "an extremely desirable car." He sees the 1500's appearance as being very Italian in spirit and compares it to the contemporary designs of Pininfarina. Rudeen speculates that the 1500 may not make its way to America until perhaps 1963, by which time demand in its newly prosperous home market might be satisfied.
I've enjoyed looking at your blog. I've been lusting for a Ghia for quite awhile, but I'm trying not to purchase one until I finish the two Isetta's I'm working on.
Thanks. I checked out your Isetta blog -- some very impressive restoration work you're doing, and great documentation of it. Thanks for pointing me to it. When you are ready to buy a Ghia let me know and I can help you find the resources you'll need.
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